
All is Energy


All is Energy


We are more then our physical bodies. We are Energy.
Since Einstein, meaning since more then 100 years we know, that there is nothing but Energy, that everything is ever evolving Energy including us. All matter including our bodies appear to be solid. This fact helps us to orient ourselves and to navigate through life by interpreting signals and translating those into something meaningful to us through the use of our senses of sight, smell, sound and touch.
The translation happens by common unconscious mass agreements and according to personal believes.

Living in a see of Energy, that we are the very same part of, we filter the signals according to our habits of thoughts and again according to our system of believes. All other information is constantly being hidden from our awareness.

Since 100 years we all know this, when being asked. We all 'know', that a table only appears to be solid, but that in fact it consists of Molecules and atoms. We know that within the atoms the ratio between solidity and nothingness is 1:10.000. We also 'know', that the air between us and the table also exists of the same atoms and we 'know', that our bodies exist of the very same atoms - that there is absolut No separation, no distinction other then the specific density. If we could take out all the emptiness out of our body, the remaining 'matter' would not even be bigger then a knife tip. We know this.

And yet we don't apply this knowledge in our day to day lives at all consciously and deliberately. We are all still behaving according to the old Newton Paradigm, that used to say, that all matter is separate from each other only following the Law of gravity. In order to move things around, we need to apply physical power.


Atoms and Molecules

Atoms and Molecules


The Same is true for circumstances and events. All of them too appear to us as solid, as facts, as reality, but they are not. Even though, they Seem to us so real and as a matter of facts, they are a moment to Moment snapshot of ever evolving, ever changing Energy-agglomeration. Fact is, that by our attention to those events and circumstances, we enforce the Energy of this specific constellation, this specific combination in time and space and by doing this, we make the ever evolving and moving and changing Energy to evolve to the same thing over and over. That's why we kind of 'cement' it into a fact/circumstance. In most cases we want this. We want many things to 'stay' the same, because they give us the feeling of stability, a kind of stable platform, from which to operate and experience change and growth by having a consistent factor.

But because we are trained by the old paradigm to view all these events, circumstances, facts as real, as solid, as unchangeable, we also keep unwanted events activ and alive. In case they are unwanted, we are doing two things at the same time: by our attention to them we keep them activ and alive, while at the same time, we try to get rid of them, change them or fight/work against them in order to overcome them. That is the reason, why if we find ourselves doing this, we almost always end up with the same scenario over and over again. Different places, different faces, same old story, because we cannot get rid of the Energy, that we so actively keep alive by our powerful attention.

Our thoughts activate signals being send from us out into the vast sea of Energy, scanning the entire space for matching frequencies. These matching frequencies are then corresponding and coming into focus, while 'things', 'circumstances' and 'events' with different frequency-Levels are being put in the back. Those matching frequencies are then drawn together like magnets (like attracts like, birds of a feather flock together).

Everything that 'exists' in the Way, that we can translate it into physical (=seeable, smellable, touchable, tasteable) Reality, has first existed as an idea, a thought.
Artists and Architekts still know this and feel it in the area of their craft.

But we all are not using this understanding in all areas of our lives. We are still going about life the hard way, we are operating from the thousands of years old Old paradigm, from which we have been supposed to Shift 100 years ago, ever it was revealed to us, that this old Newton Paradigm, by which humanhood had been operating, is not true, not real.

In many areas of our lives, things go easily. There we are by default applying the process of Creation in a Way, that is in alignment with our preferences and desires.
In these cases, our attention to things we want and prefer keeps them either staying if they are already there or coming and our action is also in alignment with it. There is no contradiction of Energy. Where Energy doesn't meet resistance, it can flow freely, which translates into a feeling of ease. While introducing Resistance turns into hardship in the business of Creation.

When we send out a signal about what we want and about the absence
Of what we want or about why it is hard to get what we want, we are sending out all kind of contradicting signals, that are blurring our receptivity of the returning, matching signal, so that we cannot translate it into 'physical' reality.

Steve Jobs has left a true 'dent' in the Universe, exactly as he intended it to. In his early years, his experiences with hallucinating drugs, has helped him to see passed the world of Reality as it appears to us. He realized, that there was more to the story, that it shouldn't be taken so brick and mortar-solid, as we had been. His encounter with Indian Philosophies confirmed his new found conclusions and allowed him to open himself to the true thinking 'outside of the box', beyond what has manifested, beyond what appears to be real, beyond the given limitations, that science and 'reasonable' mind had been set as unshakable and unquestionable. Encouraged by these mind opening experiences and his innate interest in a field, that by so called Nerds and freaks had been discovered and embarked upon, by experimenting with bits and bites, a world solely operating on signals of ones and zeros, Steve Jobs foresaw, how our so called reality could be revolutionized. His Visions and Ideas became true, even though in the beginning they all seemed impossible and not realistic.

I don't recommend the use of hallucinating drugs, because of the radical interruptions that can take place and the fact, that they are amplifying the persons general emotional state, which can cause to have deeply depressing or terrifying experiences. But is beautiful to learn about Steve Jobs last gift, that he had be given to all of his closest friends and family members. The book, that had this major impact on him as a young man, that opened his mind for the 'unsolidity' of reality, the passing, moving, world of appearances, that we can change, that we can influence. Wanting everyone to be given this very book 'the autobiography of a yogi', is him wanting everybody to finally wake up. To wake up to the true Nature of who we are, powerful creators of our own Reality.

This is, what my work is all about.

Kristijana Turnbull